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Alpen Appartements
Stoffenhof & Zuhaus

Michael & Hildegard Margreiter
Feilmoos 97a
A-6236 Alpbach

Privacy Policy Alp. App. Stoffenhof & Zuhaus

Confidential data handled responsibly

The operators of these web pages take the protection of your personal data very seriously. We treat your personal data confidentially and in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations and this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy clarifies, to the user of the website (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"), the type, scope and purpose of the collection and use of personal data by Mr. Michael & Hildegard Margreiter. This Privacy Policy also applies to all sub-websites and local pages of the tourism association's partners.

Personal data (such as name, e-mail address, telephone number) are processed and conveyed by the operator only in a lawful manner - in particular for the fulfillment of contractual or legal obligations, on the basis of predominant legitimate interests of the operator or on the basis of the consent of the user.

The lawfulness of data processing results from the Austrian Data Protection Act as well as from the regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR). The legal basis is specifically detailed in the following processing.

Presentation of our Website

The operator continuously optimises the presentation and services offered for the website users. In order to better understand how the pages are used, the operator saves the following data, short term, each time the site is accessed: name of the website visited, requested details, date/time, volume of data transmitted, message about successful retrieval of data, browser/version/language, operating system, previously visited sites, duration of use, country of origin and anonymised IP-address. By visiting this website, the user, in accordance to Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR, gives his/her consent to the short term storage of the IP address of the terminal. The user's IP-address will be deleted when use of the website is complete. The operator uses the aforementioned data anonymously only for statistical purposes in connection with the offer.

What happens to your data received in a user inquiry

On making contact with the operator (eg. by contact formula or e-mail), the following user's information may be stored for the purpose of processing the request, as well as, in the case of follow-up questions: title, first name and surname, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number and additional inquiry-related information (eg. duration of stay, number of persons).

Personal data collected in this manner will be deleted by the operator within three years, after processing of the request has been completed. The personal data disclosed by the user will only be processed and used by the operator to the extent necessary in fulfilling the request and /or for the provision of the requested service.

In the course of this data processing, the operator may forward the collected personal data to the following third parties (see contact details).

Reservation Data
  • Reporting requirement
    Pursuant to the Austrian Reporting Law accommodation participants are required to provide the accommodation provider with the data specified in § 5 and § 10 of the Reporting Law. This relates to the following data:
    • Name, date of birth, gender, nationality, country of origin, address plus postal code and
    • for international guests - type, number, issue location and issuing authority of a travel document, and also the date of arrival and departure.

  • Guest registry
    Owing to our legal obligation arising from § 19 of the Reporting Law-Implementation Order, the accommodation provider shall maintain this data in a Guest Registry and save it for a period of 7 (seven) years, unless it is needed for a longer period of time for other purposes which are named in this Data Protection Statement. The Guest Registry shall be maintained by us in electronic format, and for this purpose the accommodation provider shall transfer the data to an IT services provider. The data shall thus be saved locally. No transmittal into a third country shall occur.

  • Transmittal of data
    The data categories of “arrival” and “departure,” linked with the country of origin, shall be transmitted to the community where the hospitality company is located, in accordance with § 6 of the Tourism Statistical Order. Also, aggregate data regarding the total number of overnight stays and total number of persons obligated to pay the room tax shall be provided to the Tourism Association of Paznaun - Ischgl, where the accommodation provider are members, and/or to the community. This shall be handled on the basis of § 19 of the Tyrol Accommodation Law.

  • Legal basis for data processing
    Data processing pursuant to the above Sections 1.1 to 1.3 shall be based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c of the DSGVO.

  • Additional data transmittal to the TVB/Municipality
    In addition, the accommodation provider shall provide your postal code and year of birth (in a pseudonymized and/or anonymized form) to our municipality and to our TVB for statistical purposes in order to prepare and evaluate the origin and age statistics by the Tourism Association (TVB). This transmittal is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. e (transmittal in the public interest) and lit. f (predominate lawful interest) DSGVO. However, you may file an opposition at any time for reasons relating to your particular situation (Art. 21 para. 1 DSGVO).
Using a Guest Card
  • General information
    The accommodations participant are entitled to obtain a guest card. The guest card grants the owner benefits and/or services at various companies in the region (e.g. reduced admission fees). The guest card is valid for the period of your visit.

  • Issuance of the Guest Card
    The guest card will be issued and validated by the accommodation provider solely at your request. It will be issued according to the Guest Card system employed by the TVB and/or by the accommodation company, either in the form of
    • an electronically generated guest card,
    • a Guest Card issued on your cell phone or
    • a copy of your reservation slip.

  • Processed Personal Data
    The following personal data, obtained from the reservation data (see Section 1 above) will be processed both for the electronically generated, and also for the cell phone-provided Guest Card:
    • First and last name, date of birth, country of origin/postal code and the date of arrival and departure.

    If the Guest Card is issued in the form of the “reservation slip,” then it will contain the information required by § 5 in connection with § 9 of the Reservations Law (see Section “Reservation Data”). In this case, no electronic processing will be performed relating to the Guest Card.

    When using the Guest Card, the following additional personal data will be processed:
    • Data relating to the frequency of use of the particular card, service requested, reservations, transaction logging, reference to the reservation data and accommodation company.

    This data is required firstly to verify your identity and secondly to verify the validity of the Guest Card for the particular service requests, and if necessary, to allow invoicing of the benefits between the service providers, the TVB and any accommodation companies involved.

  • Legal Basis for Data Processing
    Die Verarbeitung der Daten für Zwecke der Gästekarte erfolgt aufgrund Ihrer Einwilligung (Art. 6 Abs 1 lit a DSGVO).

    Processing of the data for purposes of the Guest Card shall proceed pursuant to your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO). Your consent can be withdrawn at any time by giving oral or written instructions to the accommodation provider at the email address .

  • Operation of the Guest Card System
    The Guest Card System is operated by the local tourism association (TVB). In addition, local accommodation operators and local companies (service providers) are involved. The data that is processed for the Guest Card will be deleted after 40 (forty) months, unless additional retention is necessary for other lawful purposes (e.g. reporting requirements).

  • Receivers of the Data
    Data processed for purposes of the Guest Card will be provided to the local Tourist Association for invoicing to the service providers and/or accommodation operators. The individual service providers who provide beneficial services based on the Guest Card, likewise will receive the data, provided you have used the Guest Card services provided by these companies.

    To claim the benefits, you must present the particular Guest Card on which the data is recorded, and thus disclose the data to the service provider. The company will then check whether the card is (still)valid, usually by reading the bar code on the Guest Card and by transmitting the bar code data to our IT services provider. At this time personal data will be transmitted to the company, in particular also your identity data (to verify your identity and date of birth).

    If the Guest Card has been issued in the form of a reservation slip, then its validity will be checked based on the copy of the reservation slip.
We use cookies to make browsing our Website easier

Cookies are text files that are stored by a website on the user's device. The purpose of cookies is to store information and allow access to it later on. They cannot be used to read other data on the terminal. Websites use cookies particularly to restore previous user preferences, track the history of user queries or analyse user behaviour.

Use of the website is also possible without cookies. The user can deactivate the storage of cookies in his browser, limit cookies to certain websites or set his browser to send a notification before a cookie is stored. The user can delete cookies, at any stage, from the device's hard disk using the browser's privacy functions. In this case, the website's functions and user-friendliness could be restricted. The user's consent forms the legal basis of data processing, in the context of cookies, via the cookie banner.

further information abut cookies

Profiling for more individual offers and information

To improve our products, automated data processing techniques are used to analyse user behaviour (ie. profiling).

Self-advertising measures

The operator, according to Article 107 (3) of the Telecommunications Act 2003 (TKG 2003) and Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR, reserves the right to save the following data permanently and for sending offers and information on services and offers provided by the operator by mail or e-mail, for the purposes of their own advertising purposes: title, first name, surname, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number. The user may object to the processing of his data for this purpose, during the collection, and at any time thereafter by sending an e-mail to .

You can feel assured with us

The operators of this site help you to protect your personal information. If the legality for specific data processing is based on the consent of the user, this can be revoked at any time (also partially) by an e-mail to . Notwithstanding the above deletions in the individual data processing, deletion is omitted in so far as the use of the personal data to be deleted is used for other lawful processing (eg self-promotion) in accordance with this privacy policy or valid laws. A deletion of personal data may affect the functionality of the content offered on this website to the user.

Furthermore, the user has more rights, which are granted by law. These are shown clearly below.

Your personal rights at a glance

Right to be informed:
It is your right to be informed, if and to what extent your data is processed by us.

Right to Rectification:
If we process incomplete or incorrect personal data about you, you may request a correction or completion at any time.

Right to Erasure / the Right "to be forgotten":
If your personal data is unlawfully processed, you have the right to demand the deletion of your personal data from us. There may well be reasons opposing an immediate deletion (retention requirements or other legal obligations).

Right to Restriction of Processing:
If you contest the accuracy of data, you may request that your data be restricted for the duration of the audit if the processing of your personal information is unlawful, but you do not wish the data to be deleted if it is no longer required for the agreed purpose, as you may need the data for asserting / enforcing legal claims, or if you have objected to the processing of the data.

Right to Data Portability:
You have the right to demand the publication of the data provided by you in machine-readable form, provided that processing takes place on the basis of a consent or a contract.

Right to Objection to Processing:
If the processing of your personal data serves the purpose of performing public-interest tasks, the exercise of official authority or if we have a legitimate interest, you can object to this data processing if there is a legitimate interest in your personal data.

Right of Appeal:
If, in your opinion, the processing of your personal data violates Austrian or European data protection law, please contact us to clarify any questions. Of course you have the right to complain to the Austrian Data Protection Authority (Hohenstaufengasse 3, 1010 Vienna), , or to a supervisory authority within the EU.

Assertion of Rights:
In order to assert one of the aforementioned rights, please contct us by e-mail at . We will be pleased to help you further.

Confirmation of Identity:
To protect your rights and your privacy, in case of doubt, we are entitled to request proof of identity.

Right to Claim for Fees:
If you claim that one of the above-mentioned rights is manifestly unfounded or particularly frequent, we are entitled to charge an appropriate processing fee or refuse to process the application.

Data Protection Officer for your safety

As public bodies, the operators of this Website are obliged to provide an official data protection officer. This ensures that your data is handled even more responsibly. Data protection for the Alp. App. Stoffenhof & Zuhaus is provided by:


contact details

Tourism Association

Zentrum 1
A-6233 Kramsach/Tirol
Phone: +43 5337 21200
Fax: +43 5337 21200 100

Local community

Alpbach 168
A-6236 Alpbach
Phone.: +43 5336 5224

IT service provider

feratel media technologies AG
Maria-Theresien-Strasse 8
A-6020 Innsbruck
Phone: +43 512 7280 0
Fax: +43 512 7280 1080

Online booking system

Tourismusverband Alpbachtal & Tiroler Seenland
Zentrum 1
A-6233 Kramsach/Tirol
Phone: +43 5337 21200
